domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016


''Love is like a friendship caught on fire.
 In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, 
but still only light and flickering. 
As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, 
deep-burning and unquenchable.''
— Bruce Lee
The other day was February 14th but everybody knows that. In the morning I bought some red roses, a box of chocolates and a vast teddy bear. Around 12pm I picked my girl, we went to a Chinese place and had lunch there, exchanged some gifts (she loved them) and finished the day with a walk around the lake, where we watched the sunset. It was the best day here so far.

Are you kidding me? Did you really believe anything from the first paragraph? The closest thing I have to a girlfriend in here is the dog, we go out three times per day and she always stares at me while pooping. If that's not true love then I'm out.
I woke up at 3:30 a.m in pain. Why? Do you know that we all have 4 useless molars that can decide to either remain hidden under the gum or pop up? They are called wisdom teeth. Usually, just one decides to go out during our late teenager years and in the worst of the cases it has to be pulled out.

Well, let me tell you my friend that one wasn't enough for me, so two agreed in giving me a surprise and say hi this month. What started with a swelling on the gum finished with the left side of my face looking like a balloon. I would be completely fine with that if it wasn't for the fact that it hurts like nothing I have ever experienced and dentists in here are expensive (really expensive)

I came ready for battle and brought a package of ibuprofen from Spain with me, hoping I didn't have to use it at all. As accurate as it can be, destiny wanted Valentine's day to be the day when my immunity would take a day off; the box had to be opened before dawn.

In the morning I ate my daily dosis of peanut butter and took a nap that made up the hours I hadn't slept. The rest of the day was spent reading the Hobbit and watching the latest episodes of The Arrow and Casey Neistat's vlogs. What a bless.

By the time Bryce arrived from his date, everybody was hungry so after he beat me on Fifa we went to get some take-out to a gas station. Yeah I know what you might be thinking but no, it wasn't gross. In fact it was the most American gas station I've ever been to and the food was made there. Since I couldn't eat solid food I had some noodles with mashed potatoes, on the other hand Bryce opted for McDonald's. Even though I've tried to persuade him to move to the healthy side, I'm starting to believe that I should give up.

In the meantime, I remembered it was Deadpool's opening weekend and we had 50 bucks for the movies on gift cards. Then, you already know what happened. My baby and I had a romantic late-night date. (Shout-out to Karen and Steve for making it possible)
The movie was hilarious, I was expecting a super hero movie and stumbled across a weird comedy that made me laugh more than once.

Okay, so we were watching the upcoming movies trailers that go before the actual film when the Superman vs Batman one showed up. There was this epic scene where SM takes on BM that left the room breathless, when this lady goes and literally screams DAAMM*****. Holy crap that was one of the highlights of the movie and the entire year.

Probably one of the best February 14th's I can remember.

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