domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016


''If what one finds is of pure matter, 
it will never spoil.
 And one can always come back. 
If what you have found was only a moment of light, 
like the explosion of a star, 
you would find nothing on your return.''
-Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
First of all, let me tell you that you are gonna have those days. Those days of reflection, solitude, just you and yourself. And you are gonna hate them, because the head just keeps talking even when we thought everything had been said already. But they are necessary, the exchange pack just comes with them and they don't yield under pressure.

This is a round trip on a naive young boat that sets off in the moment you buckle up in your parent's car, to get to the harbor.
Throughout the trip there are going to be times when you'll think the waves are going to take over the boat but dude, it's made of the best steel you could ever find; icebergs could just scratch it.
Sometimes, we will wake up dazed, realizing the fog has chocked our views off, making ourselves lose our bearings. Boats can't remain stopped in the ocean, trudge, whether or not it leads to the next stopover; your soul's willingness will outlast the fog. Did you really think you would make it without mishaps?
The sea is mighty, eventually you will see nothing but water and sky and weariness will come, followed by illusions. Are your fellows still waiting for you back in the harbor? You were the one who wanted to seek the oceans, to tread your own path, not them. Weeks will go by and you won't hear any news, seldom telegrams will be read by your eyes-perhaps not as many as you expected.
Don't try to drop anchor, let them go, just the real ones will bother in sending letters within bottles. Friendships wither, yet we grow.

At some point of the journey we end up looking back, wishing to see the faces we left behind, one more time, just for a few minutes, in real life. Do they still look the same?
Winter is worse while sailing, neither heaters nor a hundred blankets can equalize the warmth that a hug from those back at home leaves in our body. And yes, you will imagine those hugs, along with their reactions once they see you again.

But let's sober up, the more days we spend in the seas, the better sailors we become. The same storms that scared us at first, become harmless- professional sailors may envy us at some point.
We learn to sight naughty waves from the distance, indeed it will be fun to leap while taming them.
Other sailor's will stumble upon us in the ocean's immensity, some of them will become your allies, others will just try to take the boat down. Just stay focused on your journey, there's nothing more powerful than a decided heart.

Enjoy the sunny moments, at the end of the journey are the ones that will remain in your memory, forever.
Treasures will be found along the way, and you will feel the richest man alive. Hoards that will open your eyes, nourish your mind and, more importantly, make you a better person. Sailing changes you but trust me, it's worth it.

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