jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016


''Life is locomotion. 
If you're not moving, you're not living. 
But there comes a time when you've got to stop running away from things and you've got to start running towards something. 
You've got to force ahead and keep moving
 Even if the path isn't lit 
trust that you'll find your way''
-The Flash, Nora Allen
Bryce and I were cooking dinner when Sarah arrived in a flutter. The first thing I noticed was that she was carrying some colorful bags and had a contagious smile on her face.
-Guys, I need your help, tomorrow I'm dressing up as The Flash and someone has to make the mask. 
-Sixto can do it, he's in sculpture class and might know how to build stuff like that, rapidly responded Bryce in an attempt to get away with the task. Smart guy right there. 
-I got you, I finally said, happy to be useful and to have a distraction for the night since I cannot remember the last time I went partying on a Friday. Back in the day...

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016


''Love is like a friendship caught on fire.
 In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, 
but still only light and flickering. 
As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, 
deep-burning and unquenchable.''
— Bruce Lee
The other day was February 14th but everybody knows that. In the morning I bought some red roses, a box of chocolates and a vast teddy bear. Around 12pm I picked my girl, we went to a Chinese place and had lunch there, exchanged some gifts (she loved them) and finished the day with a walk around the lake, where we watched the sunset. It was the best day here so far.


''If what one finds is of pure matter, 
it will never spoil.
 And one can always come back. 
If what you have found was only a moment of light, 
like the explosion of a star, 
you would find nothing on your return.''
-Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
First of all, let me tell you that you are gonna have those days. Those days of reflection, solitude, just you and yourself. And you are gonna hate them, because the head just keeps talking even when we thought everything had been said already. But they are necessary, the exchange pack just comes with them and they don't yield under pressure.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016


''When it feels scary to jump 
that's exactly when you jump. 
Otherwise, you end up staying the same place your whole life. 
And that I can't do''
-J.C. Chandor
The first time I ever had Thai food was in London; like 4 years ago. I altogether recall that day, it was utterly exhausting and we had wandered like 20 miles (not even kidding) when we stumbled over this restaurant. So we were like- Okay, why don't we give it a try? You know, sooner or later you get tired of either McDonald's or Subway and what's more, trying asian food out sounded appealing.
Well, let me tell you that the main reason why I ate more than 6 mouthfuls of those noodles was because I was starving indeed. That thing was spicy af.
You may be asking yourself, why is this dude telling me this stuff? What a drag, just wait.